Specimen of Power of Attorney
Ref no.
(To be typed in Company's Official Letterhead in English)
M/S Stupa Overseas Pvt Ltd .
(Licensed by HMG Labour Ministry no.702/063/064)
G.P.O Box19923,Suruchi Magra,New Baneshwor 34,
Kathmandu, Nepal
This is to confirm that we ___________________________ (Name, Address and contact Telephone numbers of employer company), hereby appoint M/s. Stupa Overseas Pvt Ltd Kathmandu, Nepal having license no 702/063/064 under HMG's Department of Labour, as our true and lawful attorney and agent in Nepal in respect of handling all the affairs concerning recruitment and passage of manpower such as registration of the demand with the department of labour, permission and clearance, etc. from the same department and to sign all the necessary documents required for the purpose of recruitment and passage of the required personnel and arranging their passports, visas and passage, etc.
This power of attorney is valid only for the requirement of the said Demand Letter (Dated ..........) and expires on the completion of this recruitment.
In witness there of, we have executed this power of attorney at ________________________ ___________dated_________
Thanking you,
(Name & Designation of Authorized Signatory)
Signature & Seal
(This Power of Attorney must be attested by the Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Employer's Country)