Specimen of Consulate Letter
His Excellency
The Honorable Consul General
Royal Saudi Arabian Embassy,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Your excellency,
We M/s ..........................(Company name).........................................., Commercial Registration No. ……………………… Post Box: ……………………, (Address) ……………… Saudi Arabia do hereby appoint M/s. Stupa Overseas Pvt Ltd License No. 702/063/064, as our true and lawful attorneys/agents in Nepal by virtue of Power of Attorney executed by us in their favour are empowered to approach on our behalf for processing visa applications and obtaining the visa of Nepalese nationals who are selected to work with us in Saudi Arabia against Block Visa No. ………………………..… Dated…………………..
Cordially yours,
(Authorized Signature and Seal of the company)
Note: This consulate letter should be typed on the official letterhead of the company in Arabic Language and must be attested by both Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.